• Enskripsyo


  • Kòd Lekòl La



Weequahic High School

Kote Reyisit Reyalis, Reyalizab e Enfini


Enfòmasyon sou Lekòl Nou an

Misyon nou se founi, avèk pasyon, yon anviwònman aprantisaj ki san danje, ki adapte sou plan kiltirèl epi ki rigoure ki devlope konesans pèsonèl, ranfòse karaktè, kiltivite enjenyozite epi ki favorize lidèchip lakay jèn yo pou asire ke tout elèv nou yo pare pou yo fè pwogrè nan pakou inivèsite ak/oswa karyè yo pandan yo gen divès konpetans pou rezònman akademik, sosyal ak kritik ki nesesè pou reyisit global.

Verite Inik

Allied Health Academy pèmèt elèv yo fè estaj ki peye ak/oswa ki kredite nan lekòl medsin pou preparasyon pou inivèsite yo nan Newark ak nan ozanviwon li yo.

Enfòmasyon sou lekòl la

  • Direktè lekòl la

    Kyle Thomas

  • Adrès

    279 Chancellor Avenue
    Newark, NJ 07112

  • Nimewo Telefòn


  • Lyezon Paran

    Marc Polynice

  • Orè lekòl

    8:15 am - 3:05 pm

  • Koulè Inifòm

    Tèt: zoranj, blan, mawon
    Anba: kaki

  • Opsyon Avan Lekòl

    Okenn yo pa ofri nan lekòl sa a

  • Opsyon Apre Lekòl

    Okenn yo pa ofri nan lekòl sa a

  • Sit entènèt lekòl la

Swiv nou sou rezo sosyal yo

More Information

Seats Available
Seats Available in Entry Grade last Year Nivo 9: 123 NA
Percentage of Applicants Who Listed This School
1st and Were Matched to this School Last Year
School Attendance
Average Daily Attendance Last School Year Percentage of Students Chronically Absent Last School Year
95% 10%
School Data
Average Section Size Student to Teacher Ratio Teachers with 5 or more years of experience Retention of Effective and Highly Effective Teachers Percentage of Teachers with Advanced Degrees
28 15 to 1 43% 1% 44%
Gradution Rates
Graduation Rates 2020-2021 Graduation Rates 2021-2022 Graduation Rates 2022-2023
Number of Devices 1:1
Magnet/Specialized School Admissions Criteria

• Transcript/Grades
• Attendance
• Standardized test scores
• Submit Newark Enrolls application
• Admissions Test
*Please note that sibling preference does not apply to magnet schools. Please visit www.newarkenrolls.org for a list of up-todate criteria.

For more information on school performance, please see the NJDOE’s website: www.nj.gov/education/data