
Newark School of Data Science & Information Technology

Inspirar a los líderes tecnológicos y agentes del cambio del mañana

Seats Available
Seats Available in Entry Grade last Year Grado 9: 123 NA
Percentage of Applicants Who Listed This School
1st and Were Matched to this School Last Year
School Attendance
Average Daily Attendance Last School Year Percentage of Students Chronically Absent Last School Year
98% 1%
School Data
Average Section Size Student to Teacher Ratio Teachers with 5 or more years of experience Retention of Effective and Highly Effective Teachers Percentage of Teachers with Advanced Degrees
23 12 a 1 24% 76% 50%
Gradution Rates
Graduation Rates 2021-2022 Graduation Rates 2022-2023 Graduation Rates 2023-2024
Number of Devices 1:1
Magnet/Specialized School Admissions Criteria

– Expediente académico/notas
– Entrevista en persona
– Evaluación escrita
– Asistencia
– Puntuaciones de pruebas estandarizadas
– Presentar la solicitud Newark Enrolls
– Prueba de admisión

*Tenga en cuenta que la preferencia por los hermanos no se aplica a las escuelas imán. Visite para obtener una lista de criterios actualizados.