• Enskripsyo


  • Kòd Lekòl La


Branch Brook School

Lekòl pou Otis

Enfòmasyon sou Lekòl Nou an

Dekouvri yon anviwònman ankourajan ak sipò pou pitit ou a nan pwogram espesyalize nou an pou elèv klas PK-4yèm ane ki gen otis. Nou konsantre sou devlope ladrès akademik ak fonksyonèl esansyèl, asire pitit ou a bati yon fondasyon solid pou aprantisaj dire tout lavi. Ekip devwe nou an mete aksan sou kominikasyon, lè l sèvi avèk estrateji inovatè pou ede elèv yo eksprime tèt yo avèk konfyans e avèk efikasite. Avèk sipò endividyèl ak aktivite enteresan ki adapte a bezwen chak timoun, nou bay elèv yo pouvwa pou yo pwospere sosyalman ak akademikman. Antre nan kominote nou an kote chak timoun yo selebre epi ankouraje yo rive jwenn tout potansyèl yo. Aplike jodi a epi gade pitit ou a ap fleri!

Verite Inik

An 2024, Branch Brook School te relouvri kòm yon Lekòl pou Otis.

Enfòmasyon sou lekòl la

  • Direktè lekòl la

    Cristina Pennetti

  • Adrès

    228 Ridge St
    Newark, NJ 07104

  • Nimewo Telefòn


  • Lyezon Paran


  • Orè lekòl

    8:15 am - 3:05 pm

  • Koulè Inifòm


  • Opsyon Avan Lekòl


  • Opsyon Apre Lekòl


  • Sit entènèt lekòl la

More Information

School Attendance
Average Daily Attendance Last School Year Percentage of Students Chronically Absent Last School Year
School Data
Student to Teacher Ratio Percentage of Highly Effective and Effective Teachers Retained
Number of Devices 1:1
  • Community Partnerships

  • Clubs, Sports, & Activities

  • Bilingual and ESL Programs

  • Special Education Programs

For more information on school performance, please see the NJDOE’s website: www.nj.gov/education/data